Earn unlimited commission as a self-employed Town & Country Property
Auction Consultant.Are you a people person with good sales/ communication skills? Do you think
you can you source property suitable for auction? If the answer is YES this may be a good role for you.Fit your work around your life. You can choose to work part time or full time at times that suit you.
We offer all the training and support you need to get your property auction career started.
Completely free, there are no charges to join our network.
Unlimited commission potential, the more properties that you sell the more you earn.
You will need access to broadband and a telephone line (and/or a mobile phone) to contact potential customers.
Earn unlimited commission. "As an example, if you were to refer 2 suitable auction properties per month that sold with TCPA North Wales you would earn circa £60,000 a year. Easy!"
If you'd like to get in touch then please fill in the form below.
Alternatively, you can call us today.